Friday 13 June 2014

Tuesday 3 June 2014

June 3 – Greenhouse Effect and Greenhouse Gases

Today we discussed different things that affect Earth's climate, such as the greenhouse effect.  We also discussed what greenhouse gases are and looked at some examples.

Important Dates

  • June 12, 13: Culminating Project Presentations
  • June 16: Final Test

June 2 – Weather vs. Climate

Today we completed the discussion of the movie, An Inconvenient Truth.  Then we spent some time discussing the difference between weather and climate.  I showed you a bunch of photos with different statements and asked you decide if it was a statement about weather or climate.


Friday 30 May 2014

May 30 – Inconvenient Truth

I hope you all enjoyed the basketball game yesterday!

Today we continued watching An Inconvenient Truth.  Here's the handout with related discussion questions:


Wednesday 28 May 2014

May 28 – Unit 4

Today we started our new unit!

Unit 4 – Climate

We started by watching a movie called An Inconvenient Truth.  Where a former US presidential candidate, Al Gore, explains some of the concern behind climate change.  Here are some discussion questions that you should be able to answer as we watch the film:

Monday 26 May 2014

May 26 – Unit Test Practice

Today we did a practice test.  Your Unit Test tomorrow will have the same format and topics, but the questions will be different.  If you can do the practice test, you will have no problem with the actual test tomorrow.  Good luck!
