Friday, 30 May 2014

May 30 – Inconvenient Truth

I hope you all enjoyed the basketball game yesterday!

Today we continued watching An Inconvenient Truth.  Here's the handout with related discussion questions:


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

May 28 – Unit 4

Today we started our new unit!

Unit 4 – Climate

We started by watching a movie called An Inconvenient Truth.  Where a former US presidential candidate, Al Gore, explains some of the concern behind climate change.  Here are some discussion questions that you should be able to answer as we watch the film:

Monday, 26 May 2014

May 26 – Unit Test Practice

Today we did a practice test.  Your Unit Test tomorrow will have the same format and topics, but the questions will be different.  If you can do the practice test, you will have no problem with the actual test tomorrow.  Good luck!


Friday, 23 May 2014

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

May 20, 21 – Optics Investigation

Yesterday and today, we used ray boxes along with lenses and mirrors to try some hands on activities.  How do rays of light move in real life?  Did the things I tell you in the notes really work?  We'll find out!


Monday, 19 May 2014

May 16 – Total Internal Reflection

We played with a laser on Friday!

I did a demo using some plastic piece and the laser.  At certain angles, the laser beam goes right through the block, but as I increase the angle, at a certain point, the laser stops going through the block and reflects off the inside of the block!  This is called total internal reflection.  It can happen whenever light moves from a shower medium into a faster medium.  The angle when this happens is called the critical angle.

Here are some notes:

And some examples:

This is a photo from under a swimming pool.

 At large angles (bottom of photo), the water reflects the bottom of the pool (total internal reflection).  At small angles (top of the photo), the water lets light from above the pool get through.  The critical angle is the line where the colour changes from black to blue.

High speed internet requires fibre optic cables, which use total internal reflection along plastic wires to carry information at high speeds.  See how the light only comes out the end of the plastic wires?  Endoscopes also use the same idea to let you see inside the human body using a plastic wire.

Here's what laser beams would look like as they bounces around inside a plastic fibre optic wire.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

May 15 – Refraction

Today we discuss why this happens:

See how the laser changes direction as it goes through the glass and water?  This is called refraction.  It can make things look different when light moves through different media:

Or even make fish look further away:

Finally refraction through hot and cold air can cause mirages:

Have a look at the handouts for definitions and practice problems.


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

May 14 – Mirror Diagrams Practice and Uses of Mirrors


Today we worked on the package that I left with the supply teacher yesterday.  I hope you guys are getting a better feeling of how to draw these ray diagrams.

Towards the end of class, we discussed and brainstormed applications of mirrors.  Here's what you guys came up with:

Monday, 12 May 2014

May 12 – Curved Mirror Diagrams

Today we discussed more about curved mirrors and how to find the images using ray diagrams.


Friday, 9 May 2014

May 9 – Practice and Curved Mirrors

Today we practiced more of the sketching reflections from yesterday's handout:

    Then we discussed the following...

    Where have you seen these before?

    What do they all have in common?  They're all curved mirrors!

    Here are two reflections in as spoon.  What's the difference?  One is on the convex side and one is on the concave side.  Can you tell the difference?

    Here are the notes with the new vocabulary:


    May 8 – Reflection Ray Diagrams


    Have a look through the handout and practice drawing the ray diagrams for a plane mirror.  You should be able to figure out where the images will be if you have a plane mirror.

    Wednesday, 7 May 2014

    May 7 – Quiz and Reflections

    Today we did the first quiz for this unit.  Congratulations on completing it!


    Next we discussed reflections.  What's wrong with this refection?

    How do you know it's not real?  Here are some other fun reflections:

    Can we figure out where objects have to be for us to see them in a mirror?  Why is "AMBULANCE" always written backwards on the front of an ambulance?  These are things we will discuss over the next day.