Monday 17 March 2014

Mar. 17 – Chemistry!

Welcome back from the break!   I handed back the tests today and went over the solutions.

Remember, if you have not completed the Medical Imaging Technology Assignment yet, it is now homework and DUE ON WEDNESDAY!

Now onto our new Unit:



We start by talking about chemical reactions.  We came up with some ideas of chemical reactions such as baking soda and vinegar or diet coke and mentos.

Reactions can always be written in the form of an equation with the reactants on one side and products on the other.

Reactants --> Products
  • Reactants: the chemicals you mix together.
  • Products: the new chemicals created.

Here are two examples of chemical reactions that you already know about:

sunlight + carbon dioxide + water ---> glucose + oxygen

Cellular respiration
glucose + oxygen ---> energy + carbon dioxide + water

Here are some other crazy reactions:

Then we discussed some health and safety practices with chemicals.  many of you are already familiar with HHPS and WHMIS.

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