Thursday 13 February 2014

Feb. 13 – More on Mitosis

Here are some review questions.  How much do you remember?

What part is the nucleus? 
   What part is endoplasmic reticulum? 
   What part is Golgi body?
   What is the last one?

What part of the cell makes proteins?
A)   Mitochondria
B)   Golgi Body
C)   Vacuoles
D)   Ribosomes

What do the Vacuoles do?
A)   Sort materials.
B)   Stores materials.
C)   Make energy from glucose.
Carry out photosynthesis.

What is interphase?
A)   When the cell carries out its normal functions.
B)   When the cell is dividing.
C)   When one cell becomes two cells.
D)   When the cell dies.

Which phase is the longest?
A)   Interphase
B)   Mitosis
C)   Cytokensis
D)   They all take the same time.

Which has the stages of mitosis in the correct order?
A)   Metaphase, Anaphase, Prophase, Telophase
B)   Anaphase, Prophase, Telophase, Metaphase
C)   Telophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Prophase
D)   Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

In which phase do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell?
A)   Prophase
B)   Metaphase
C)   Anaphase

D)   Telophase

Remember, your first quiz is on Tuesday.  If you can do well on these practice questions, you'll do fine on the quiz.

Next we reviewed some of the answers to yesterdays mitosis handout.  Then we looked at some more slides with the microviewers.

Those slides that you're looking at are cells from this worm:


We also took some time aside to talk about planarians.  An interesting leech that can regenerate if it gets cut in half.

If you cut its head in half, it will grow into two heads!

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