Thursday 20 February 2014

Feb. 20 – Circulatory System

Learning Goals: Understand the purpose and components of the circulatory system.

Success Criteria: You can explain the important parts of the circulatory system and its function.

Have a look at this video:

The heart is at the centre of our circulatory system.


The circulatory system moves oxygen and nutrients around our body much like this restaurant where sushi moves around the conveyer belt.

Here's what a real heartbeat sounds like.

Here's an animation that takes you through how the heart works.

Here's what all the blood vessels look like on their own:

We also discussed what we can do when we have problems with the circulatory system.  For example, pacemakers can help regulate a heartbeat.

When people have heart attacks, we can reduce the damage by performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before the paramedics arrive.

Homework: Remember to work on your cell cycle projects!

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